Blocker, augmented reality for filmmakers

Taking advantage of the new augmented reality features of Apple ARKit, AfterNow has created an app for filmmakers.

Blocker is a creative tool for filmmakers. It combines a director's viewfinder with the ability to place virtual characters in order to quickly compose shots. It can be used for blocking or storyboarding.

The current version includes:

  • A director's viewfinder
  • The ability to compose a scene with 3D content
  • A physical model of the sun that accurately simulates shadows and color
  • Shareable photos with important shot information baked in

“Our goal is to pull storyboarding and shot blocking into the real world, so that it’s intuitive and expressive,” said Jesse Vander Does, the Director of Technology at AfterNow.

By mixing virtual characters and objects in the real world, filmmakers can accurately prepare scenes to communicate positioning of cameras and characters.

“ARKit from Apple is enabling developers to create more valuable and practical augmented reality applications on mobile phones,” according to Philippe Lewicki, Captain of AfterNow.


Blocker is now available for download on the Apple app store for iPhone 6s and newer, running iOS11.
Apple App store:

More information is available on our landing page:

Press Coverage

: Blocker is a Revolutionary AR Application for Filmmakers

VRFocus: AfterNow Releases ARKit Tool Aimed At Filmmakers

SoHu : 可能是最便宜的电影预演工具 AR应用Blocker圆你导演梦

VRODO: ARKit: App lässt Regisseure die perfekte Einstellung finden

VRInside: 映像制作の作業効率化に貢献するARアプリ「Blocker」がリリース!

GoGlasses: Blocker : l’application en réalité augmentée faite pour les cinéastes