July Meetup: Shared Magic & Alien Wave, Hololens and Mira Prism games

Come and join us we are bringing together an engaged group of mixed  and augmented reality developers, creators and entrepreneurs. Meet the  community, ask questions about the devices from working developers, and  try new demos before they hit the market.

Where & When

Thursday 27th at the Creative Technology Center DTLA (604 Moulton Ave., Los Angeles, CA)

From 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/exploring-mixed-reality/events/241822442/
RSVP and come early! We will have drinks, beer and wine, as well as snacks and the famous Hololens Chocolate.

For this month meetup our first speaker and demo are the winners of last month HoloLens hackathon:  HoloHacks.


Shared Magic

Scott Hoyt will talk on what winning the HoloHack taught them about creating compelling mixed reality experiences.

Mira Prism

Bryant Bustamante Executive Producer of Content at Mira Reality will give a short talk on the company and the Mira Prism.

Whats coming in the next 9 months

Philippe Lewicki: will present a brief overview of the Augmented  Reality industry with current trends in terms of hardware and content.   From Mira Prism, to Apple ARKit, ODG R8, location base AR  what does  this mean for consumer.


A multiplayer spell fighting game with the Hololens.

We are working on bringing  a surprise demo and speaker related to a  recent project AfterNow is working on stay tuned and sign up for the  meetup.

Mira Prism, Alien Wave and MazeBalls

We will demo with the Mira team our upcoming games, Alien Wave as space shooter and MazeBalls an are labyrinth.

Mira Prism:

February meetup:

in 360: