Wind Turbines: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Presentations for Sales, Demos, and Engineering

Setting your products and services apart from the competition has never been more challenging and yet more essential to your business. AfterNow Prez allows your first impression to move from “just another sales presentation” to a singular experience for your prospects.

Even more, before the sales process begins, there is a great deal of work to do. 3D presentations can be used for critical initiatives such as demonstrating complex parts and mechanics that are otherwise inaccessible during the sales process, including product visualizations and advanced engineering demos that showcase your product’s strengths.

Gansu Wind Farm

AfterNow Prez is a software product to make premium augmented reality and virtual reality presentations that deliver results. With a drag and drop, code free interface - that resembles Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides- you can make your own presentation using ready-made or custom assets, or collaborate with our team for bespoke projects.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to augmented reality and virtual reality for wind turbine sales. The same techniques will apply for the sales and demonstrations of complex technology such as engines, land and air vehicles, and many more examples.

Drive Sales With Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented reality and virtual reality are becoming more prolific in the workforce for remote collaboration, a trend rapidly accelerating as a result of the pandemic. In the next few years, it will become mainstream as the technology is widely adopted.

Today, these cutting-edge technologies have a novel effect that impresses your prospects and sets you apart from the competition. Getting immersed in a premium AR or VR experience leaves a memorable feeling of wonder and clearly differentiates your company and products as leading-edge.

AfterNow Prez makes it possible for anyone to easily create and remotely deliver a product or service presentation in virtual or augmented reality. Get your client excited and in awe at your products by presenting at scale in 3D with lifelike models:

Bring Your Products to Life in 3D: Virtual Demonstrations

Cutting-edge technology and complex products are perfect to demonstrate in augmented reality and virtual reality. Allow customers to fully experience your products and services and immerse themselves in the vision of your product. Bring emotions and excitement to remote meetings, and enable your engineering team to demonstrate their work.

Wind turbines represent an incredible opportunity to deliver renewable energy, contributing to sustainable development. Upfront, it’s a significant investment, but the return on investment for energy and the environment presents a wealth of opportunity that is easy to demonstrate in 3D.

Virtual Demonstrations

One major challenge in wind turbine sales is enabling access to the more complex infrastructure of a turbine on site, or during the manufacturing process as this is often outsourced. Presenting in AR and VR is highly effective in alleviating pain points and barriers in the sales process such as this that can make a significant result in the closure of a deal.

With Virtual Reality, your prospect can visit the inside of their future wind turbine before manufacturing it. It is enabling a better understanding of its properties, values, and operations.

Aside from demonstrating the structure and function of a wind turbine in virtual reality and augmented reality, there are additional factors to consider in the sales of wind turbines such as demonstrating:

• maximum install capacity (grid connection)
• site boundary
• ‘set back’ – from roads, dwellings, overhead lines, and other buildings
• environmental constraints
• location of noise-sensitive dwellings and assessment criteria
• location of visually-sensitive viewpoints
• flickering shadows cast by rotating blades that may affect local dwellings• turbine spacing

While secondary, these factors also impact project approval, and can be complex to understand on a 2D map or screen, but are easily brought to life in 3D in augmented reality or virtual reality to demonstrate to a non-technical audience.

Hyper-real maps, and life-size models can be viewed and interacted with during a presentation or remote meeting using augmented reality or virtual reality headsets.

At a glance, it’s possible for respective stakeholders to visualize the project, the mechanics of the wind turbine, its technical specifications, economic benefits, and give peace of mind that the well-being of the community has been carefully considered.


Wind turbines are made of many assets from manufacturing hardware to electrical components. These designs vary per wind turbine manufacturer and can be key to differentiating from competitors.

Using augmented reality and virtual reality to visualize the various parts and components of a wind turbine and its mechanics is easy with 3D still and animated models. Take prospective clients through an augmented reality or virtual reality presentation that showcases rotor blades, electrical systems, energy production, and performance. Show how your product works and the difference that your design makes.

Whether this is a part of an internal initiative where engineers share their cutting-edge work, or as a part of the sales process, 3D visualizations have a powerful impact on comprehension, memory, and recall.

AfterNow Prez: A Frictionless Sales Process That Delivers Results

Research has shown that immersive experiences using AR or VR increase attention, retention, and satisfaction for education, training, and sales.

Get a significant edge over your competition and win more business. Our clients are using AR experiences to close billion-dollar deals in highly competitive markets.

Our frictionless experience enables anyone to experience mind-blowing immersive experiences, with no technical expertise required.

We start with an all-inclusive service to create your sales experience in VR, then manage all the headset logistics for your meetings. Rental & shipping service brings ready-to-use AR or VR headsets to your prospect for the meeting.

It's as simple as delivering a PowerPoint over a zoom meeting.

Demo: Experience Wind Turbines in 3D

To experience our wind turbine demo presentation, install Prez on the Quest (click here for instructions) or HoloLens (click here for instructions)

Once Prez has installed start Prez on the login prompt select Guest access and enter the Prez ID: 57617179