January Meetup: Mixed Reality game design and coding and create your augmented reality exhibit.

By Philippe Lewicki / 15 Jan 2018

Topics: events | blog

Come and join us we are bringing together an engaged group of mixed and augmented reality developers, creators and entrepreneurs. Meet the community, ask questions about the devices from working developers, and try new demos before they hit the market.

Where and When

January 25th at PhaseTwo ( 5877 Rodeo Road · Los Angeles, ca )

From 6:30 to 10:00pm

6:30 - 7:30 : Demos, drinks & snacks, mingle
7:30 - 9:00 : Talks & Questions
9:00 - 10:00 : Demos & discussions

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/exploring-mixed-reality/events/246280887/

For this first meetup of the year we will have two great talks and demos with AR Glasses like the Daqri Glasses, Meta2 from Metavision and the HoloLens from Microsoft.

In the first talk Bart will share his experience in building mixed reality games with the HoloLens for the second talk Philippe Lewicki will share how any one without programing can create his own Mixed Reality exhibit using the HoloLens.


First talk from Bart

Title: Taking Learning and Play to the Next Level: Education and Gaming in Mixed Reality

MR 1

Mixed reality will have a transformative impact on both education and gaming, providing new ways to visualize, interact, and play. But it also poses unique challenges for both designers and developers -- and where there are challenges to overcome, there are opportunities. Bart Trzynadlowski will demonstrate both a language education game and an action game, discussing in detail lessons learned and thoughts conceived after one year of experimentation with the HoloLens.

Speaker Bio:
Bart Trzynadlowski has been programming since the 6th grade, holds a PhD in electrical engineering, and presently works as a developer in high-frequency trading. He is interested in consumer applications of mixed reality, especially gaming and education. Most of his spare time since June 2016 has been spent experimenting with his HoloLens, leading to rumors that the device has been surgically affixed to his head and that he is in fact a cyborg. These can neither be confirmed nor denied.

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/exploring-mixed-reality/events/246280887/

Second talk and demo details coming soon

Philippe Lewicki

Culver City

Immersed in the metaverse for the past 7 years, international technology speakers. Philippe is working at AfterNow creating the future of human and machines interactions.

