Philippe Lewicki: Tech Convergence and Mixed Reality

By Melissa Kaplan / 05 Oct 2016

Topics: hololens | mixed reality

Technology veteran and visionary Philippe Lewicki speaks at conferences and events around the world, connecting the dots on emerging technology.
Recently recognized by Variety as on of the 10 AR/VR entrepreneur to watch.

Philippe has spoken at:

Speaker Real:


Virtuality Paris 2018

Augmented World Expo 2017

VRLA (virtual reality Los Angeles) 2016

VRTO (Virtual Reality Toronto) 2016


Mind & Machine

Hooked on Startup

Philippe's current topics

Making of the MR Easter Egg Hunt

The VRLA mixed reality Easter egg hunt was the first large scale consumer experience with the Hololens. Its success showed that augmented reality can successfully used for entertainment experiences out side of home. This talk describe the journey and best practice we've learned along the way to create a successful AR experience.

The next convergence

This talk is about the "next big thing." We're at the birth of a new convergence of technology, and we're creating amazing products leading us to a new explosion of innovation and creativity. The impact of this convergence will be more disruptive than the smartphone.

Designing and coding with the Hololens

This talk is on building applications for the Hololens. It's a series of best practices and guidelines we've learned while designing holographic user interfaces and coding with the headset.

About Philippe Lewicki

Philippe Lewicki is the captain of AfterNow, a studio dedicated to augmented reality experiences and practical applications. His mission is to enhance the way humans interact with machines for working, learning, playing and socializing. Philippe’s past experience includes running an open source database consultancy firm. He later became CTO of YogaGlo, where he built the first high-definition multi-device video streaming platform for Yoga classes, from scratch. Lewicki speaks all over the world about the best practices and processes to design award-winning augmented reality experiences and applications. Variety has recognized him as one of the top AR/VR entrepreneurs to watch.

Philippe lives in Culver City, California with his wife and three daughters. He's also a people photographer, runs a street blog called Your Styles From The Street, is building his first racing drone, and rides to work on an electric skateboard.

Melissa Kaplan

Culver City

