
Spatial Review - Collaborating in AR

Spatial Review - Collaborating in AR. Spatial, an augmented reality platform startup, just raised 14 million dollars of Series A funding – and for good reason – it’s one of the most promising collaborative AR platforms currently in development.

Microsoft Remote Assist Review

Remote assistance is today the most widely deployed augmented reality use case with hardware and software solutions ready to deploy for enterprises and businesses. This use case can work with most AR headsets from monocular devices up to see-through stereo glasses.

AfterNow Prez, create impactful and memorable AR presentations

AfterNow Prez is an augmented reality presentation tool that allows anyone to create immersive and compelling presentations that are memorable.

Real-world locations bloom with mixed reality: Meet Frances the Fish.

With virtual reality rapidly being explored and released in theme  parks and arcades, it's a great era for thrill-seeking. And there are  more advanced thrills on the horizon as vendors awaken to mixed and  augmented reality's potential to alter this dimension in exciting ways. We'

September Meetup: WiTag AR Laser Tag, AR-Pres the powerpoint of AR and Blocker AR for film makers

Come and join us we are bringing together an engaged group of mixed and augmented reality developers, creators and entrepreneurs. Meet the community, ask questions about the devices from working developers, and try new demos before they hit the market. Where and When September 21st at Upload LA (4505 Glencoe

AR/VR killed the video star

At the end of this year, and early next year, we will see the first  signs of how the medium that we call mixed reality (augmented and  virtual reality) will take its rightful place in entertainment with  books, radio, TV, streaming, movie theaters and gaming. The popularity of escape rooms

July Meetup: Shared Magic & Alien Wave, Hololens and Mira Prism games

Come and join us we are bringing together an engaged group of mixed  and augmented reality developers, creators and entrepreneurs. Meet the  community, ask questions about the devices from working developers, and  try new demos before they hit the market. Where & When Thursday 27th at the Creative Technology Center

Making of: The Award Winning 'Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt'

VRLA Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt An unlikely project that became the highlight of VRLA 2017 Intro Objective Our objective was to create a mass-scale mixed reality Easter egg hunt using the HoloLens. Inception VRLA co-founder, John Root, originally pitched the idea to Microsoft.  Microsoft then reached out to AfterNow,

Our May Meetup: Hololens, Tango and Chocolate

Come and join us we are bringing together an engaged group of mixed  and augmented reality developers, creators and entrepreneurs. Meet the  community, ask questions about the devices from working developers, and  try new demos before they hit the market. Thursday May 4th at 6:30pm Where May 4th at

Case Study: Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt

The first largest out of home augmented reality experience

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