mixed reality

mixed reality
Bose Frames

The Bose Frames are sunglasses with a soundtrack. They look like regular sunglasses but they have miniaturized Bose electronics hidden in the temples.

Perceptoscope: augmented reality for parks, cityscape, and museums

Perceptoscope is reviving this old, nostalgic concept of viewfinders by adding a layer of augmented reality.

Real-world locations bloom with mixed reality: Meet Frances the Fish.

With virtual reality rapidly being explored and released in theme  parks and arcades, it's a great era for thrill-seeking. And there are  more advanced thrills on the horizon as vendors awaken to mixed and  augmented reality's potential to alter this dimension in exciting ways. We'

Mixed Reality 6DoF Six Degrees of Freedom is Coming

In the past months a lot a announcements showed a new trend in AR/VR is coming. First, there was Microsoft Build where I met Alex Kipman and we were featured on the keynote video [https://youtu.be/tcFFPWYA_wI], and he announced 6dof controllers [https://uploadvr.com/microsoft-motion-controllers-vr-headsets-6dof/] for

Talk at AWE on UX for practical application in MR

Our Captain, Philippe Lewicki will be giving a talk at Augmented  World Expo (AWE 2017) User Experience for Practical Applications in  Mixed Reality. Processes and tools to better break the barriers from 2D to 3D user interfaces. Mixed reality devices like the Hololens open up a new realm of  possibilities

Case Study: Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt

The first largest out of home augmented reality experience

VRLA Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt

This year for Virtual Reality Los Angeles (a.k.a. VRLA [http://https://www.virtualrealityla.com]), we're building a Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt in partnership with Microsoft Hololens. It's an ambitious project with a very tight deadline. Our mission is  to demonstrate how the Hololens

WebVR Meetup: How AfterNow built OpenHouse VR

I'll be giving a talk on how and why we built OpenHouse VR [http://www.openhousevr.io] using A-Frame [http://www.aframe.io], an html markup framework for virtual reality in your web browser. April 6th from 6 to 9pm at NextSpace Los Angeles 9415 Culver Blvd, Culver

March Mixed Reality Meetup in Los Angeles

Our March mixed reality meetup is coming up, bringing together an engaged group of mixed and augmented reality developers, creators and entrepreneurs. Come meet the community, ask questions about the devices from working developers, and try new demos before they hit the market. Mixed Reality Talks and Demos Thurs., March

All Mixed Up: AR and VR are Mixed Reality

I've read and heard many definitions of mixed reality (MR) and there's a lot of confusion. A few misconceptions I've come across: * An MR device is one that understands its environment, but sparse point clouds don't count [https://www.youtube.com/watch?

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