After using the Hololens for a few weeks, it's become very clear that this device is the missing link between human movement and the Internet of Things. And the first way we're demonstrating this is by changing the way we control Philips Hue lights. Right now,
If I would take away one major thing from last week’s Augmented World Expo in Santa Clara, it's that hardware is still king. AWE's main sponsor this year, ODG, focused on showing off their next generation of head displays. Their current product is the R7,
We're pleased to be developing augmented reality apps with the Hololens for our clients. Want Hololens apps for your company? Join our interest list. [] Months before the Hololens was released, our dev shop was called to Redmond, Washington to merge minds with Microsoft's
Image via Mixed reality technology might still be relatively young, but it's already showcasing its strengths in unexpected places, going beyond just the impressive factor to serving as a means for practical solutions. The same way that not-necessarily technical industries began adopting uses for smartphone apps,
Magic Leap has been teasing us with the promise of seamlessly mixing the "real world" with computer graphics, aka CG. With half a billion dollars from Google, and possibly $1 billion more on the way, it seems possible that there's truth behind the hype. While a