The Form goggles are swim goggles with a smart display with the goal to help swimmers train more efficiently.
The Bose Frames are sunglasses with a soundtrack. They look like regular sunglasses but they have miniaturized Bose electronics hidden in the temples.
Remote assistance is today the most widely deployed augmented reality use case with hardware and software solutions ready to deploy for enterprises and businesses. This use case can work with most AR headsets from monocular devices up to see-through stereo glasses.
In depth review of the augmented reality glasses, the Focals, created by North. One of the first AR glasses that look and feel like regular glasses.
In depth review of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides for Hololens. We go over all the features and highlight pros & cons. Best viewed in VR
In depth review of the Dreamglass from Dreamworld. Its a simple and cheap tethered device with some potential but lacked in performance.
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