
The Lab is core to AfterNow. Two of our existing products came out of our Lab. Anyone can propose an idea, build a team and create a product using the company processes, talents, and resources. Sometimes we open our Lab to outside startups we believe in.

Covid Death in 3D, Data visualization

3D visualization of covid 19 death in the USA.

3D Thinking™: Getting Started with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

For newcomers to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 3D, this three-step guide to getting started is for you. This means jumping from a 2D screen to a 3D environment, your new space to think, create, share, and boost your creativity. The goal of the 3D Thinking™ articles is to provide

3D Thinking™ :

We are 3D physical creatures living in a virtual 2D world for so long that we have lost the ability to think three-dimensionally.

DataViz: Sleep activity visualization

For this exercise, we took a dataset on sleep-related activities, comprising not only sleep cycles, but also key influencing factors such as exercise, caffeine intake, and late-night screen activity.

Perceptoscope: augmented reality for parks, cityscape, and museums

Perceptoscope is reviving this old, nostalgic concept of viewfinders by adding a layer of augmented reality.

DataViz: CO2 emission per country per GDP

3D Data Visualization of CO2 emission per country per GDP per year. This graph demonstrate who we is contributing the most to climate change as well as who is actually reducing emissions. Selected only a few countries.

ooHar: out of Home augmented reality

A new augmented reality headset for Immersive location based entertainment in AR

POC: Analytics: Heatmap on the Real World

Once we got the Magic Leap, we started experimenting with its features right away. When David showed me the eye tracking example, I was very impressed by its accuracy while looking at real objects. We then got the idea to create a version of heat maps we have in data

AfterNow Prez, create impactful and memorable AR presentations

AfterNow Prez is an augmented reality presentation tool that allows anyone to create immersive and compelling presentations that are memorable.

Blocker, augmented reality for filmmakers

Taking advantage of the new augmented reality features of Apple ARKit, AfterNow has created an app for filmmakers. Blocker is a creative tool for filmmakers. It combines a director's viewfinder with the ability to place virtual characters in order to quickly compose shots. It can be used for

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