virtual reality

virtual reality
Where to find 3D models for AfterNow Prez

This is a list of website with 3D models you can download or purchase to insert in your AfterNow Prez presentation.

AfterNow Prez Remote at the intersection of VR training and XR collaboration

AfterNow Prez Remote is uniquely positioned in the market for immersive meetings and virtual reality collaboration, with the ability to create structured presentations consisting of multimedia content and 3D models for a truly immersive experience.

WebVR Meetup: How AfterNow built OpenHouse VR

I'll be giving a talk on how and why we built OpenHouse VR [] using A-Frame [], an html markup framework for virtual reality in your web browser. April 6th from 6 to 9pm at NextSpace Los Angeles 9415 Culver Blvd, Culver

All Mixed Up: AR and VR are Mixed Reality

I've read and heard many definitions of mixed reality (MR) and there's a lot of confusion. A few misconceptions I've come across: * An MR device is one that understands its environment, but sparse point clouds don't count [

Walk On Paint: An art-based virtual reality game

This proof of concept is an experience that merges art and games into virtual reality. Our promotional work on Marvel's Dr. Strange movie, inspired us to create art in virtual reality. Tools like Tilt Brush [] and Quill [] are

Volumetric capture will be key for mixed and virtual reality content. Here's how it works.

It's not easy to explain the concept of volumetric capture -- and why this field of technology will soon be instrumental for virtual and mixed reality -- when you haven’t seen it in action yet. But I will try. Volumetric capture is a technique used to film

What would Doctor Strange do? Our work on a worldwide mixed reality adventure.

Bryan testing the Vive with our computer and screen capture hardware in the foreground. More behind-the-scenes photos on Twitter []. After nine days labored, three cities visited and over 21,000 miles traveled, our team finished helping film "Change Your Reality: A Global Doctor Strange

Why and how we're porting a virtual reality app into A-Frame

OpenHouseVR [] is a simple workflow for real estate agents to show a walkthrough of a house in virtual reality with a Google Cardboard VR headset. We had a custom ThreeJS [] 360 House viewer app we created for the second version of OpenHouse VR. The

We created a virtual reality experience for Tarzan

This is our technical log for our VR work supporting Warner Brother's The Legend of Tarzan. For more info see their 360 video experience []. The Legend of Tarzan VR project started off as an experience: the user would explore a jungle landscape through a

I'm a graphic designer using Tilt Brush. Here's what's working and what needs work.

Tilt Brush is an app for the HTC Vive, and it's quite remarkable. It lets you create with two controllers shaped like chunky wands, which you can use to lay paint down and construct an image. You can even change your brush size and color and change the

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